Different clothing serves different purposes when you are outside. Dressing for the weather can make even tough weather days more bearable. Outdoor clothing has improved leaps and bounds. While other clothes may enhance your enjoyment of the experience, you can decide what amount to spend. Here are a few things to reconsider when purchasing hiking clothing. 

Consider Pricey gear as an investment in your hobby.

Compare hiking clothing more to sporting equipment than to a package of six socks. Hiking gear is meant to perform in different situations and to hold up to the stress of constant use or physical activity. Functionality matters here. Take, for example, a rain jacket. It needs to be waterproof, wind resistant, breathable, form-fitting to allow for easy movement, adaptable to the hiker’s needs, and to stand up to the wear and tear that comes with crumpling it into a backpack. Good gear is not cheap, but it will last. When you choose to invest in something that is better quality, you are committing to not buying a duplicate copy in a year when your clothing falls apart. Buying higher-quality goods can save you money and time and eliminate waste from the landfill. The Last Hunt website is an easy way to browse last year’s remaining products and end-of-the-line gear. It is a great way to buy good quality gear at a cheaper price. The Last Hunt 

Air out your feet, boots, and socks
Replace your boots when needed

This investment rule goes double for socks and underwear. Men, this might be as close an experience as you get to bra shopping cost-wise. Comfort matters and one pair of underwear and socks will last several seasons. Many of these companies also have excellent warranty policies. Darn Tough socks carry a receipt-free lifetime warranty. So when your socks get holes, it is time to mail them in. Smartwool, another hiking sock company, does a collection campaign to keep old socks from being thrown out, turning them into a line of products called Second Cut. Drop your socks off at a participating MEC in April. Second Cut Project | Smartwool Canada Darn Tough Socks Canada  

Wool? Really?

Yes really! Merino wool has several excellent benefits which can help keep you enjoying the trail. Firstly, when Merino dries, it doesn’t leech heat from your body to do so. Wet cotton clothing has a nasty habit of causing the wearer to feel colder because it no longer traps air close to the body. Wool or other wicking material will not do this. Merino also has a natural antimicrobial effect, which will stay smelling cleaner for longer. If you are interested in types of different fabrics, please follow this link. Why does Cotton Kill? – SectionHiker.com  

The Death of a Merino Shirt
… After 1900 miles

Final Thoughts

Not stylish, but functional

A buff is worth its weight in gold! It’s super durable and adds warmth in chilly conditions and sun cover in hotter conditions. Also, use it over your ears to keep the mosquitoes from buzzing into them. 

It is better to layer your clothes as a way to help regulate your comfort rather than wearing something that is bulky. Packing for the weather means that you are able to mix and match clothing items to dress warmly.

Happy Trails

Aaron “Talus” Holden

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