Earning Badges

Event Hike Badges

The Beaver Valley End-to-End badge, which depicts our iconic “Old Baldy” in its autumn glory, is awarded to registered participants who complete the annual Beaver Valley End-to-End event held over the last weekend of August and the Labour Day weekend.

In 2025 this event will be held on August 23/24 & 30/31. Hikers will register once for all days of the multi day event which will be included on the August 23 listing on the BTC calendar. Registration opens March 3 at 8:30 a.m.

The Falling Water badge is awarded to registered participants who hike this challenging loop in one day by participating in the annual event held during the spring. The hike is approximately 30 km which includes hiking the east and west sides of the valley from the Beaver Valley Ski Club, connecting them with the Valley Crossover Side Trail. In 2025 this hike will be held on May 31 and hikers will register for the event on the BTC calendar. Registration opens March 3 at 8:30 a.m.

The E2E IN 8 badge is awarded to registered participants who complete one of the guided E2E IN 8 multi day hikes offered by the club throughout the spring, summer or fall. See the BTC calendar for current 2024 E2E IN 8 hikes on offer.

We welcome guest hike leaders to lead a Beaver Valley E2E in 8 by posting it on the BTC hike schedule under their own club. If you plan to do so, please contact us ahead of time for a ready made hike plan with parking locations. We can also arrange to present your badges at the end of the last hike.

Our badge depicts an old growth cedar tenaciously clinging to a cliff on the escarpment. Just imagine it below you as you hike along the top of Old Baldy. The oldest cliff living cedars found on the Niagara Escarpment are over 1000 years old!

The Snowshoe Adventure badge is a guided two hike annual winter activity with both a day and an evening moonlit outing. The badge is earned upon completion of both hikes. The dates for 2025 are January 18 and February 1.

New Badge! The Winter End-to-End badge is a guided set of hikes on the Beaver Valley Trail during the winter months (Dec. 21 to Mar. 19). This E2E is intended for experienced hikers/snowshoers and requires strength and stamina. Hikers will be required to carry icers and snowshoes to use if needed on each hike, due to variable levels of snow that may exist on the trail. Check the distances listed on the hike description, BTC Hike Schedule, to determine if you can manage these strenuous outings.

We welcome guest hike leaders, who have a good familiarity with the Beaver Valley trail section and are themselves experienced snowshoers, to lead a Winter End-to-End by posting it on the BTC hike schedule under their own club. You can plan your own schedule and hike lengths to suit your group. We can also arrange to present your badges at the end of the last hike. If you would like assistance with planning, email beavervalleytrailactivities@gmail.com.

New Beaver Valley winter end to end badge

Independent Hike Badges

Green Apple End-To-End badge. Hike the Beaver Valley section and experience the beautiful and rugged terrain the valley has to offer. The badge can be earned by hiking the entire length of the white blazed main trail (117.3 km, Edition 31, The Bruce Trail Reference Guide), either independently or on a club hike. Our badge will remind you that you’ve been hiking in apple country and apple trees abound along many parts of the trail.

The One Day Falling Water Triangle badge is earned independently or on a club hike by hiking the Falling Water loop in one day. The hike is approximately 30 km which includes hiking the east and west sides of the valley from the Beaver Valley Ski Club, connecting them with the Valley Crossover Side Trail. Featured on the badge is Eugenia Falls, the highest waterfall in the valley!

The Two Day Falling Water Triangle badge is earned independently or on a club hike by hiking the Falling Water loop in two days during one calendar year. The total hike is approximately 30 km which includes hiking the east and west sides of the valley from the Beaver Valley Ski Club, connecting them with the Valley Crossover Side Trail. Our badge showcases the small but mighty Hogg’s Falls on the Boyne River deep in the valley.

The Beaver Bites badge is earned by completing all of the specified routes using side trails and parts of the main trail, often in loops. The hikes may be completed in whatever order you choose, however we have provided a suggested itinerary. Before you hike be sure to check the Trail Changes and Notices on the BTC website for any recent information about the sections you’ll be hiking. Click here for complete itinerary. Dogs are not permitted on the Fairmount Side Trail.

Geology Hikes in Beaver Valley. This badge is earned by hiking each of 8 hikes outlined in Beth Gilhespy’s first Bruce Trail Geology book, Walking Through Time, and then submitting a log which includes the required photo taken during each of the hikes. This is a great opportunity to boost your knowledge of the geology of the Niagara Escarpment. Gather some hiking buddies and become rock hounds!

Please note that if you are hiking in a group, be sure to check on the BTC app or in the guide for how many cars the recommended parking area will accommodate.

Contact beavervalleytrailactivities@gmail.com with any questions about parking or this series.

Click to download the list of photos required to earn the Geology Hikes badge.

click to view List of locations to purchase the book

Ginger Press Bookstore, 848 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound (open Thursday through Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm)

Kimberley General Store in Kimberley, Ontario (open Thursday through Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm)

Online at the Bruce Trail Conservancy online store ($25.00 for Bruce Trail Conservancy Members)

By phone at the Bruce Trail Conservancy offices 1-800-665-4453

Directly from Beth Gilhespy’s website, for shipment or pick up, via the Contact Form (e-transfer or cash on delivery; for shipping add $5)

A portion of the proceeds from the book sales will go to the Beaver Valley Club trail development and maintenance programs.

Beaver Valley Club geology hikes badge for independent hikers

Mushroom Hunter Badge. Let’s go hunting for mushrooms and other fungi. The magic of the search is in the slowing down and noticing. From the forest floor to trunks of trees, keep a keen eye out as you search for a minimum of 20 different varieties of fungi. Please be sure to stay on the trail. Please do NOT pick, disturb or consume any specimens. Snap a photo and ID your finds as accurately as possible. Resources like apps and guide books will be incredibly helpful.

To earn your badge, create a log for submission. Your log should include a photo of each of the 20 fungi found, which must be in the Beaver Valley section, plus their corresponding name, date found, and approximate locations. You may include other notable details if you’d like!

Find something rare? Consider uploading your data to the Bruce Trail’s iNaturalist program inaturalist.ca/signup to help develop a map of flora and fauna along our beloved trail! If you have previously submitted fungi photos from the Beaver Valley to iNaturalist, you may include them in your badge submission with their corresponding name, date found, and approximate locations.

There is no time restriction to earning this badge and it is the only badge we offer that may be earned in conjunction with other Beaver Valley badges.

badge submissions

Independent hikers who keep a log of badge hikes can opt to purchase the hike badge once the required trails have been completed. Note that ONE hike counts ONLY towards ONE badge. Some examples: a hiker cannot use sections of the main trail that were part of earning the Green Apple End-to-End badge to apply those sections to the parts of the main trail needed for the Beaver Bites badge,  or – hikers cannot use the annual End-to-End event hikes towards earning the independent Green Apple End-to-End badge. Please honour this policy.

Payments can be made by either Interac e-Transfer or cheque.

Interac e-Transfers: 
Send a payment of $10.00 (members), $12.00 (non members) to payments@beavervalleybrucetrail.org . Email your hike log and mailing address to beavervalleytrailactivities@gmail.com .

Send a payment of $10.00 (members), $12.00 (non members) by mail to BVBTC, P.O. Box 3251 Meaford, ON N4L 1A5.  Make cheques payable to the Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club. Include your hike log, a stamped, self-addressed envelope and payment with your badge submission.