Report A Problem On The Trail
Fallen trees and branches hanging over the trail may pose serious safety risks. We encourage trail users to report these hazards promptly. Hazardous conditions on the trail can be reported directly on the Bruce Trail app or via the form below.
If using the web form below, please include:
- Preferred contact information. We may need to follow up for detail (you may include a preferred contact number).
- Location. Approximate km reference estimated from the trail map in The Bruce Trail Reference: Maps and Trail Guide (or nearby landmarks)
- Description. One or multiple trees involved? Is the tree or limb, on the ground, suspended above, leaning into trail? Approximate trunk size/diameter?
- Photo. Recommended. A photo is helpful if it includes a sense of the scale. Bruce Trail App users can send a photo or screen shot showing the location with the app. (If using the web form, please indicate that a member of the trail maintenance crew may contact you for photos, if necessary).